As a part of
its Mission statement regarding delivery of high quality products in an
environmentally friendly manner, SCCL is committed to • Preserving the Environment and • Improving its Quality. Preserving the
Environment - Pollution control measures: Being in Cement
industry, wherein the process involved is mainly size reduction at all the
stages from raw materials to finished products, generation of dust is
unavoidable. We at SCCL have taken adequate steps to control and arrest dust emission
and air pollution through installing the latest and well equipped control
systems, e.g., • Dust collectors are provided at all
the transfer points from Crusher to Rawmill, coal grinding and conveying
systems • The Primary Crushers are provided with
bag type dust collectors of required sizes and air volume to dedust the
crushing station. They are also provided
with high pressure water sprinkling systems at the hopper and in feeders
to suppress the dust, which emanates during dumping and crushing • Dust emission during cement grinding
at Ball Mills are arrested by dust collectors installed thereat • Packing houses are also provided with
dust collectors and suction points at all generating areas to ensure dust free
working environment • Water sprinklers are also provided at
required transfer points to suppress fugitive dust. • Dedicated water tankers are engaged at
both mines and plant to sprinkle water to reduce fugitive dust generation on
haul roads and internal roads • All the stacks are provided with dust
monitors, data of which are uploaded to APPCB server, available for public
information. Improving the
Quality of Environment - Green belt development SCCL takes
every possible step to develop greenery in and around the plant. As the Plant
is in a rocky area, special attention is required to plant and develop each
sapling. Preferred plants are selected as per advice received from Department
of Social Forest. • Plantation of various species are
planted in and around the mining lease area • A well designed garden and lawn is
maintained inside the plant • Separate green belt development
programme is implemented